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Konrad-Icon-WhiteKonrad UX Research Guide 2025

The Ultimate Guide
to UX Research

Learn how modern research tools and techniques are revolutionizing the digital design process

UX Research: The Science of Design

The demand for user-centered designs has never been greater. Instant global reach, rapidly shifting platforms, and the merging of digital and physical realities means that successful solutions must engage more people in more places than ever before. By harnessing modern UX research methods, today’s top teams are able to anticipate needs and develop experiences like never before.


UX Research powers data-driven decisions that scale with ease


UX Research provides human insights that inspire innovative solutions


UX Research ensures cutting-edge solutions still feel like old friends


UX Research builds lasting behaviors by supporting holistic goals

“It doesn’t make any difference how smart you are… If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong.”
Richard Feynman

Discover what
UX Research can do

Dive into Design Thinking with research-backed guides mapping the principles and processes that help bring new ideas to life. Time-tested and ready for business, each chapter includes Design Thinking templates, tools and examples from the real world.

Common UX Research questions

New to UX or not sure where to start? See answers to common questions before diving into the guide.

UX research is a rapidly growing discipline dedicated to understanding how people experience products and solutions, with the goal of making informed decision choices today. To achieve this, UX researchers employ a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods, including surveys, interviews and specialized studies.

User personas play a critical role in all user-centered design projects. A user persona reflects the combined insights of a behaviorally-related group of people, allowing designers to build intuitive interfaces that anticipate real needs. User personas have many levels of fidelity, ranging from low-fidelity prototypes used to help align early decisions, to high-fidelity qualitative personas that provide rich context and inspiring insights.

Depending on the methods used, UX research can take as little as an afternoon, or as long as the entire design project lasts. In practice, most intensive UX research projects are completed in 1-2 months before switching to a longer-term project support role.

Research methods that study specific quantities are referred to as quantitative research methods, whereas those that study human qualities are qualitative. Many methods generate both types of insights; however, and as technologies like Natural Language Processing advance, the line between the two will become increasingly blurred.

“Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts”
Albert Einstein

Major UX Research Methods

The growing list of UX research methods allows teams to rapidly study experiences with scientific precision.

User Interviews

There is no replacement for density of insights that direct user interviews can deliver

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Remote Walkthroughs

Modern conferencing tools have made it easier than ever to refine the human-computer interface

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Card Sorting

A powerful, multi-purpose method used to develop intuitive conceptual models

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